The earliest records presently in the keeping of the Historian start
with the 1977 Two Towers. The Kingdom OP shows our Barony as being founded on Oct. 1, 1972. So records between 1972 and 1977
are being sought.
Our First Herald (as told to me by Bran)
Our Past Heralds
Lord Bran de Trintrack (mispelled. Tintreak)
From Volume 1, Issue 6 The newsletter doesn't say what month it is but
The guess is August, 1977. Bran told me he served two terms
Ihon Vinson MacFergus Alden Drake Gwen verch Cynwrig de Ynys Mon Groa
Ulfsdottir Deitrich Strobelbart-2005 Christoforo Antonio Passavanti