Past Seneschals
From Volume 1, Issue 6 The newsletter doesn't say what month it is but The guess
is August, 1977. Who was seneschal between 1973 and 1977 is not known at this time.
Janet Shadowhawk-1977
Deborah von Faulkenhorst-1994-1996*
Sine Griegsdottir-1996-1997*
Ihon Vincent MacFergus1997-1999
Signy Gandalfsdottir-1999-2001
Isabeau Quiquandon-2001-2003
Caitlin bean Gearailt-2003-2005
Vasilisa of Stargate-2005-2007
Chrystiana Lambright-2007-2009
*These dates are conjectures at the moment until they can be confirmed